205 Fast Road Engine Mounting Kit

Code: EMB205 9

EMB205-9 – Our 205 Gti Grp.N engine mounting kit has been one of our main sellers for over 10 years. It is perfect for track orientated cars but on the firm side for road cars.

We have now developed our fast road set-up. A great upgrade for people looking to tighten up the engine movement but without going to the extreme of the Grp.N set-up.

The mounts use the same proven design as our Grp.N set-up but with a softer grade of rubber to aid compliance.

Available for: 205 1.6/1.9 GTI, 205 XS (please note when adding products to cart)


£100.05 + VAT

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The kit includes:

  • 1x Top Engine Mount (Strengthened lower plate with high tensile lower stud)
  • 2x Top Engine Mount Buffers
  • 1x Gearbox Mount
  • 1x Lower Engine Bush (Fully stress relieved)

Advantages over standard mountings:

  • Reduces engine movement under acceleration
  • Improved gear change
  • Reduced stress on exhaust system and drive train.
  • Makes the car more responsive in terms of acceleration.

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    205 GTI Engine Mount Shim Kit

    Shims are placed behind buffers to space them closer to the top engine mount.

    Fitting the correct combination of shims means, as the engine moves under acceleration / engine braking the top mount can come into contact with the buffers sooner and reduce any excess movement.

    These can be used with OE std buffers or either of our Fast Road or GrpN Style replacements.


    Available for: 205 1.6/1.9 GTI, 205 XS

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    £7.70 + VAT Add to cart